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Salesforce Data as Metadata Part 2 – Deploying with SFDMU

Matt Grimwade

October 31, 2023


min read

Written in partnership with Ziipline. Ziipline is a multi-cloud Salesforce partner that puts innovation and business impact at the heart of everything we do. We partner with organisations of all sizes to build & deliver strategic Salesforce programmes designed to maximise your investment in Salesforce. You can find us at or on LinkedIn.

In part one of this article series, we explored how we can build configurable Salesforce solutions through the use of configuration data. By shifting our mindset and realising that configuration data is conceptually closer to metadata than data, we can start to leverage the metadata related benefits we already enjoy when building on Salesforce. But it’s not a silver bullet - these benefits bring their own challenges that we need to overcome to enable us to build faster and better:

Release Management 

  • Moving this data between our development, test and production environments could get painful and cumbersome.

Visibility & Accountability 

  • Ensuring that we know who changed what data and when it was changed. This could mean reviewing & approving changes before they are added to a release.


  • The ability to roll back to a previous version if we hit any issues. Never straightforward with Salesforce anyway. 

Confidence in our Environments 

  • Making sure all of our developer and test environments are kept up to date with the latest data and don’t fall out of sync. We never want to hear ‘oh that doesn’t work in that sandbox’.

Sandbox Seeding 

  • The ability to quickly setup new environments with the right configuration data. We don’t want someone to have to run a complex set of manual steps to load the data.

If part one was the theory, you can think of this part two as the practical. We are going to deep dive into some of the tooling and approaches we can use to address the challenges outlined above.

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How can I manage my configuration data?

We have tools like the Salesforce CLI that enable us to pull/push our metadata to/from a Salesforce org. We need to be able to do the same for our configuration data. There are several different tools available that can help us manage data within the context of a Salesforce org:

  • Manual data loads e.g Salesforce data loader, inspector chrome plugin
  • Dedicated devops tools that support configuration data (like Salto)
  • SFDX Data Move Utility (SFDMU) plugin for the Salesforce CLI

Each of these tools has their own use case. Right now we are going to deep dive into one of my favourite tools - SFDX Data Move Utility. Let's explore how we can use SFDMU to actually manage our configuration data and incorporate this into our devops processes.

SFDX Data Move Utility (SFDMU)

SFDMU is an open-source plugin for the Salesforce CLI used for data migrations. It’s a developer focused CLI tool (although there is a GUI option, but I’ve not used it) that requires some hands-on JSON configuration to use. It’s great - I would describe it as the Salesforce data loader on steroids. Some of the key features include:

  • Export to or load from CSV files
  • Org to Org migrations without requiring export/load of intermediary CSV files
  • Migrates multiple objects in a single run
  • Handles complex interconnected relationships between objects

The above list doesn’t do the plugin justice though. Checkout the website or git repository to see how broad the feature set is. Although this plugin can be used for any data migration use case, it’s a great fit for our data as metadata scenario.

Why is SFDMU a great fit?

Just in the way you might use the Salesforce / SFDX CLI commands to push metadata from your local repository to an org, or vice versa, you can use SFDMU to do this for your configuration data - all through a single command. As it’s a command line tool you can also incorporate this into any automated CI/CD pipeline processes you may have set up.

How do I configure SFDMU?

Configuration of SFDMU takes place within a single JSON file named export.json. This is where being familiar with JSON structure will help. 

"excludeIdsFromCSVFiles": true,
"objects": [
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Product2",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Country__c",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Product_Discount__c",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"

This is a simple example snippet based on our fictional scenario. The core concept is that we define a query per object that we want to migrate using SFDMU. The plugin will automatically map the relationships between these objects. You may notice that field multiselect keywords, such as createable_true, are also supported - so we don’t have to maintain this file as new fields are added.

This is a really simple example. The full set of configuration options for the export.json file can be found here.

How do I run SFDMU?

Running the tool is straightforward. There’s only a single ‘run’ command for both pushing and pulling data to/from an org. 

Example command where we want to pull data from an org into CSV files into our local repository.

sf sfdmu run --sourceusername sourceorg --targetusername csvfile

Example command where we want to push data from our local repository to an org.

sf sfdmu run --sourceusername csvfile --targetusername targetorg

The only difference is that we’ve flipped the source and target. The `csvfile` argument is a keyword that instructs the plugin to write to, or read from, CSV files in the local directory. The `sourceorg` and `targetorg` arguments are SF CLI aliases for my orgs.

Lets run the command to pull data from an org and see what we get:

And finally, let's take a look at where the CSV files are stored within our local machine and how they appear in git.

Just as when we change a single line of code, we can stage and commit only our specific changes to the data. As the products had already been added to git previously, only a change I made to a specific product record is picked up.


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The Rise of Data as Metadata

In this article we’ve explored through a simple scenario how we can use SFDMU to incorporate configuration data into our development process. However, SFDMU is just one tool we can use to manage this data. It’s a powerful and flexible CLI tool that is a worthy addition to a developer’s toolbox. If you made it this far I recommend you checkout the documentation.

In the end though, the choice of tool alone isn’t a magic bullet. What’s important is that we adopt the right mindset and start treating our configuration data more like our metadata. If we do this, we can deliver more quickly, build more configurable solutions and most importantly, make our lives easier. 


Matt Grimwade

Co-Founder at Ziipline

With over 10 years of consultancy experience delivering Salesforce solutions across a variety of clouds and industries, Matt enjoys delivering impactful change through technology. Coming from a developer & architect background, he is passionate about building cutting edge solutions on the Salesforce platform underpinned by modern devops tools & processes. Matt is currently co-founder of the Salesforce partner Ziipline that specialises in business & technology transformations through the Salesforce platform.

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Salesforce Data as Metadata Part 2 – Deploying with SFDMU

Matt Grimwade

October 31, 2023


min read

Written in partnership with Ziipline. Ziipline is a multi-cloud Salesforce partner that puts innovation and business impact at the heart of everything we do. We partner with organisations of all sizes to build & deliver strategic Salesforce programmes designed to maximise your investment in Salesforce. You can find us at or on LinkedIn.

In part one of this article series, we explored how we can build configurable Salesforce solutions through the use of configuration data. By shifting our mindset and realising that configuration data is conceptually closer to metadata than data, we can start to leverage the metadata related benefits we already enjoy when building on Salesforce. But it’s not a silver bullet - these benefits bring their own challenges that we need to overcome to enable us to build faster and better:

Release Management 

  • Moving this data between our development, test and production environments could get painful and cumbersome.

Visibility & Accountability 

  • Ensuring that we know who changed what data and when it was changed. This could mean reviewing & approving changes before they are added to a release.


  • The ability to roll back to a previous version if we hit any issues. Never straightforward with Salesforce anyway. 

Confidence in our Environments 

  • Making sure all of our developer and test environments are kept up to date with the latest data and don’t fall out of sync. We never want to hear ‘oh that doesn’t work in that sandbox’.

Sandbox Seeding 

  • The ability to quickly setup new environments with the right configuration data. We don’t want someone to have to run a complex set of manual steps to load the data.

If part one was the theory, you can think of this part two as the practical. We are going to deep dive into some of the tooling and approaches we can use to address the challenges outlined above.

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How can I manage my configuration data?

We have tools like the Salesforce CLI that enable us to pull/push our metadata to/from a Salesforce org. We need to be able to do the same for our configuration data. There are several different tools available that can help us manage data within the context of a Salesforce org:

  • Manual data loads e.g Salesforce data loader, inspector chrome plugin
  • Dedicated devops tools that support configuration data (like Salto)
  • SFDX Data Move Utility (SFDMU) plugin for the Salesforce CLI

Each of these tools has their own use case. Right now we are going to deep dive into one of my favourite tools - SFDX Data Move Utility. Let's explore how we can use SFDMU to actually manage our configuration data and incorporate this into our devops processes.

SFDX Data Move Utility (SFDMU)

SFDMU is an open-source plugin for the Salesforce CLI used for data migrations. It’s a developer focused CLI tool (although there is a GUI option, but I’ve not used it) that requires some hands-on JSON configuration to use. It’s great - I would describe it as the Salesforce data loader on steroids. Some of the key features include:

  • Export to or load from CSV files
  • Org to Org migrations without requiring export/load of intermediary CSV files
  • Migrates multiple objects in a single run
  • Handles complex interconnected relationships between objects

The above list doesn’t do the plugin justice though. Checkout the website or git repository to see how broad the feature set is. Although this plugin can be used for any data migration use case, it’s a great fit for our data as metadata scenario.

Why is SFDMU a great fit?

Just in the way you might use the Salesforce / SFDX CLI commands to push metadata from your local repository to an org, or vice versa, you can use SFDMU to do this for your configuration data - all through a single command. As it’s a command line tool you can also incorporate this into any automated CI/CD pipeline processes you may have set up.

How do I configure SFDMU?

Configuration of SFDMU takes place within a single JSON file named export.json. This is where being familiar with JSON structure will help. 

"excludeIdsFromCSVFiles": true,
"objects": [
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Product2",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Country__c",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"
"query": "SELECT createable_true, updateable_true FROM Product_Discount__c",
"operation": "Upsert",
"externalId": "External_Id__c"

This is a simple example snippet based on our fictional scenario. The core concept is that we define a query per object that we want to migrate using SFDMU. The plugin will automatically map the relationships between these objects. You may notice that field multiselect keywords, such as createable_true, are also supported - so we don’t have to maintain this file as new fields are added.

This is a really simple example. The full set of configuration options for the export.json file can be found here.

How do I run SFDMU?

Running the tool is straightforward. There’s only a single ‘run’ command for both pushing and pulling data to/from an org. 

Example command where we want to pull data from an org into CSV files into our local repository.

sf sfdmu run --sourceusername sourceorg --targetusername csvfile

Example command where we want to push data from our local repository to an org.

sf sfdmu run --sourceusername csvfile --targetusername targetorg

The only difference is that we’ve flipped the source and target. The `csvfile` argument is a keyword that instructs the plugin to write to, or read from, CSV files in the local directory. The `sourceorg` and `targetorg` arguments are SF CLI aliases for my orgs.

Lets run the command to pull data from an org and see what we get:

And finally, let's take a look at where the CSV files are stored within our local machine and how they appear in git.

Just as when we change a single line of code, we can stage and commit only our specific changes to the data. As the products had already been added to git previously, only a change I made to a specific product record is picked up.

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The Rise of Data as Metadata

In this article we’ve explored through a simple scenario how we can use SFDMU to incorporate configuration data into our development process. However, SFDMU is just one tool we can use to manage this data. It’s a powerful and flexible CLI tool that is a worthy addition to a developer’s toolbox. If you made it this far I recommend you checkout the documentation.

In the end though, the choice of tool alone isn’t a magic bullet. What’s important is that we adopt the right mindset and start treating our configuration data more like our metadata. If we do this, we can deliver more quickly, build more configurable solutions and most importantly, make our lives easier. 


Matt Grimwade

Co-Founder at Ziipline

With over 10 years of consultancy experience delivering Salesforce solutions across a variety of clouds and industries, Matt enjoys delivering impactful change through technology. Coming from a developer & architect background, he is passionate about building cutting edge solutions on the Salesforce platform underpinned by modern devops tools & processes. Matt is currently co-founder of the Salesforce partner Ziipline that specialises in business & technology transformations through the Salesforce platform.