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Simplifying Zendesk Guide themes change management and testing in sandbox

Liora Schocken

June 6, 2024


min read

Managing help centers effectively requires a robust change management process. Any admin who wants a good framework can’t be satisfied with managing Guide themes by testing changes to CSS and code in production.

In addition to enabling you to manage your help center articles, Salto recently released our support for Guide themes change management, making Salto a full change management solution for the help center. This article walks you through how to start doing it right - make changes in Guide themes in sandbox and then push them to production. Not only that, but Salto will also automatically resolve any internal Zendesk ID reference you have to elements like forms of ticket fields in your Theme code. This means you can now avoid previously manual and tedious processes of updating references in production.

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Introduction to Salto for Zendesk Guide Themes

Salto enhances the change management process for Zendesk Guide themes by enabling admins to seamlessly pull in, compare, and deploy updates across environments. Here’s a short demo by Salto CE Scott Dixon: 


  • Once you have your sandbox instance - add any changes you need to your environment (in the demo: a new link in the top header that opens a form). 
  • Fetch the configuration to Salto and see all your brands and other configuration elements in Salto’s UI. 
  • Once you’re ready - compare the source and target environment and pick the configuration elements that you want to deploy from one to the other, in this instance the changes made to the theme. 
  • It is worth noting that Salto can handle the references and dependencies for other configuration elements and resolve them when deploying between different environments
  • Deploy the change from sandbox to production

Learn more on how to configure your environments to fetch and deploy Zendesk Guide Themes.

By using Salto, Zendesk admins can efficiently manage Zendesk configuration changes, including Guide theme changes - from development in Sandbox to deployment in production. Salto’s ability to pull in content, compare environments, manage dependencies, and ensure accurate references significantly simplifies the Zendesk change management process. This ensures a smooth, error-free transition of changes, enhancing the overall efficiency of Zendesk administration.


Liora Schocken


Liora is a Product Marketer at Salto. A customer experience professional with track record in supporting innovation in infrastructure DevOps in marketing, strategy and product roles. Outside of work, Liora likes to see the world and play music.

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Salto for




Simplifying Zendesk Guide themes change management and testing in sandbox

Liora Schocken

June 6, 2024


min read

Managing help centers effectively requires a robust change management process. Any admin who wants a good framework can’t be satisfied with managing Guide themes by testing changes to CSS and code in production.

In addition to enabling you to manage your help center articles, Salto recently released our support for Guide themes change management, making Salto a full change management solution for the help center. This article walks you through how to start doing it right - make changes in Guide themes in sandbox and then push them to production. Not only that, but Salto will also automatically resolve any internal Zendesk ID reference you have to elements like forms of ticket fields in your Theme code. This means you can now avoid previously manual and tedious processes of updating references in production.

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Introduction to Salto for Zendesk Guide Themes

Salto enhances the change management process for Zendesk Guide themes by enabling admins to seamlessly pull in, compare, and deploy updates across environments. Here’s a short demo by Salto CE Scott Dixon: 


  • Once you have your sandbox instance - add any changes you need to your environment (in the demo: a new link in the top header that opens a form). 
  • Fetch the configuration to Salto and see all your brands and other configuration elements in Salto’s UI. 
  • Once you’re ready - compare the source and target environment and pick the configuration elements that you want to deploy from one to the other, in this instance the changes made to the theme. 
  • It is worth noting that Salto can handle the references and dependencies for other configuration elements and resolve them when deploying between different environments
  • Deploy the change from sandbox to production

Learn more on how to configure your environments to fetch and deploy Zendesk Guide Themes.

By using Salto, Zendesk admins can efficiently manage Zendesk configuration changes, including Guide theme changes - from development in Sandbox to deployment in production. Salto’s ability to pull in content, compare environments, manage dependencies, and ensure accurate references significantly simplifies the Zendesk change management process. This ensures a smooth, error-free transition of changes, enhancing the overall efficiency of Zendesk administration.

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Liora Schocken


Liora is a Product Marketer at Salto. A customer experience professional with track record in supporting innovation in infrastructure DevOps in marketing, strategy and product roles. Outside of work, Liora likes to see the world and play music.