Salto for Salesforce CPQ

Deploy CPQ data and Salesforce metadata in a unified no-code flow. Salto brings DevOps to Salesforce CPQ—compare, deploy and version control your CPQ data records alongside your Salesforce metadata.

Jira Cloud

Jira Data Center





One deployment for all CPQ configurations

Use one single deployment to deploy CPQ data records and CPQ metadata all together

Automated records mapping in the target org

No need to configure anything—Salto will automatically map the elements to all of their dependencies in the target org

A gorgeous CPQ objects visualization

Explore your CPQ records and Salesforce metadata in a no-code format and understand where elements are being used

Compare and deploy CPQ data records

  • Compare CPQ configurations across orgs in a no-code view, and understand what needs to be deployed without reading through XMLs
  • Use our built-in filters to find your objects or use the search bar to find them quickly
  • Easily select as many items as needed
  • Use the same deployment for CPQ data records alongside metadata

Complete dependency analysis

  • A complete mapping of all dependencies of both data records and metadata items
  • Once an element is selected, Salto will
    identify and flag all the related elements so
    you wont miss out on any hidden
  • Salto will keep updating the required dependencies until nothing is missing,
    ensuring one-way error-free deployments.

Keep your CPQ data in version control

  • Maintain a complete audit trail of your CPQ deployments
  • Collaborate with your team through pull requests
  • Rollback to previous versions when needed

CPQ data seeding for any type of sandbox

  • Push CPQ records to your dev/partial/full-copy sandbox
  • Keep your sandboxes aligned with production so you can test your changes in an up-to-date setup
  • Introduce CPQ changes in a reliable way without impacting production

Explore your CPQ configurations in a no-code, intuitive UI

  • Salto is the only platform that allows you to explore your CPQ configuration in a
    document-like format
  • Understand where your CPQ data elements
    are being used
  • Identify data and metadata dependencies

Salto is a certified AppExchange Partner and a certified Salesforce partner

Use Salto for all your enterprise applications








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