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Product Updates



You’re going to love Salto’s new Deploy experience

Lior Neudorfer

May 29, 2023


min read

That deploy interface you’ve gotten used to is changing for the better

Previously, when making changes to your business system’s configuration in Salto, you’d have to scroll and open a few different pages to find all related elements—to deploy, for example, a file cabinet folder with all its files in NetSuite or a Jira project with associated schemes.

Now you can see all dependencies and related elements in one place, along with helpful information about whether you’ve selected everything that is required for a successful deployment.

Salto’s new deployment flow offers an intuitive and seamless way to move your changes from one environment to another and recover from errors faster.

Let’s have a look at this new UX:

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The table view adds useful context and groups related elements

The old way of displaying your deployments—as an expandable tree of elements—was a big leap over clicking around within the business application interface, but it still required some hopping around. And we don’t love unnecessary hops.

Now, when you create and work on a new deployment in Salto, we display all information you might need in a user-friendly table view.

There are three key improvements here:

  • We’ve added ​​columns that provide more information around each element, such as the element type or change type, which allows easy sorting and filtering. In the Required Dependencies column, you can see if you have any missing dependencies for the selected elements.

  • A better and more intuitive hierarchy allows you to expand each element and see all related elements right there.

    Let’s take a Custom Object as an example. Previously, if you wanted to change a new custom object in Salto, you had to open the element tree and find all related elements such as a Custom Object Layout or Custom Object Sharing Rules that were scattered around in the respective folders. Now all those related elements are nested together under Custom Object and you can select them in one click.

  • Dedicated tabs on top of the table for all elements that were added, modified, or deleted, as well as all selected elements and missing dependencies. This helps you focus on what’s important for every deployment.

Together, these changes allow you to do a whole bunch of deployment things faster and with more confidence.

Power-search through your deployments

When you can sort, filter, and view elements of your deployment, you can move a lot faster and abstract away everything that is not relevant. We’ve also added the ability to search for an element type within the filter which can be particularly useful for complex environments.

Find and select dependencies faster

The new table view instantly displays all missing dependencies in the Required Dependencies column. You can either select those right there or, if you want to review them first, you can click and see missing elements in a side-peek window. This eliminates a lot of back and forth when finalizing your deployment.

In addition to direct dependencies, Salto also identifies elements that might need to be added to your deployment as well—you can review them under the Additional Dependencies column.  

Proof your deployment with ease

The new element hierarchy is aligned with how your configuration is displayed in the Explore tab. When dependencies are nested within each element (as with our custom object example earlier), it’s easy to understand what will constitute a complete deployment. 

Detect and fix errors before deploying

In the new deployment preview screen, you can see whether your deployment is likely to encounter an error. You can also drill down into things that won’t be deployed and understand what you can do to fix it.

Altogether, I think Salto’s new Deploy experience constitutes a big visual and functional upgrade, and we’d love to hear what you think about it (let your customer engineer know!). Expect lots more updates like this soon. We are listening, watching, and forever aiming to make Salto the most user-friendly, stress-free way to manage configurations in your business applications. 


Lior Neudorfer

VP Product

Lior is a tech-loving product guy, on a quest to simplify complex stuff for enterprise users. Formerly Guardicore’s VP Products, where he helped build a category-leading cyber security solution. Lior is also an avid gamer, responsible for organizing Salto’s infamous Board Game Nights.

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Salto for

Product Updates

Product Updates


You’re going to love Salto’s new Deploy experience

Lior Neudorfer

May 29, 2023


min read

That deploy interface you’ve gotten used to is changing for the better

Previously, when making changes to your business system’s configuration in Salto, you’d have to scroll and open a few different pages to find all related elements—to deploy, for example, a file cabinet folder with all its files in NetSuite or a Jira project with associated schemes.

Now you can see all dependencies and related elements in one place, along with helpful information about whether you’ve selected everything that is required for a successful deployment.

Salto’s new deployment flow offers an intuitive and seamless way to move your changes from one environment to another and recover from errors faster.

Let’s have a look at this new UX:

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The table view adds useful context and groups related elements

The old way of displaying your deployments—as an expandable tree of elements—was a big leap over clicking around within the business application interface, but it still required some hopping around. And we don’t love unnecessary hops.

Now, when you create and work on a new deployment in Salto, we display all information you might need in a user-friendly table view.

There are three key improvements here:

  • We’ve added ​​columns that provide more information around each element, such as the element type or change type, which allows easy sorting and filtering. In the Required Dependencies column, you can see if you have any missing dependencies for the selected elements.

  • A better and more intuitive hierarchy allows you to expand each element and see all related elements right there.

    Let’s take a Custom Object as an example. Previously, if you wanted to change a new custom object in Salto, you had to open the element tree and find all related elements such as a Custom Object Layout or Custom Object Sharing Rules that were scattered around in the respective folders. Now all those related elements are nested together under Custom Object and you can select them in one click.

  • Dedicated tabs on top of the table for all elements that were added, modified, or deleted, as well as all selected elements and missing dependencies. This helps you focus on what’s important for every deployment.

Together, these changes allow you to do a whole bunch of deployment things faster and with more confidence.

Power-search through your deployments

When you can sort, filter, and view elements of your deployment, you can move a lot faster and abstract away everything that is not relevant. We’ve also added the ability to search for an element type within the filter which can be particularly useful for complex environments.

Find and select dependencies faster

The new table view instantly displays all missing dependencies in the Required Dependencies column. You can either select those right there or, if you want to review them first, you can click and see missing elements in a side-peek window. This eliminates a lot of back and forth when finalizing your deployment.

In addition to direct dependencies, Salto also identifies elements that might need to be added to your deployment as well—you can review them under the Additional Dependencies column.  

Proof your deployment with ease

The new element hierarchy is aligned with how your configuration is displayed in the Explore tab. When dependencies are nested within each element (as with our custom object example earlier), it’s easy to understand what will constitute a complete deployment. 

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Detect and fix errors before deploying

In the new deployment preview screen, you can see whether your deployment is likely to encounter an error. You can also drill down into things that won’t be deployed and understand what you can do to fix it.

Altogether, I think Salto’s new Deploy experience constitutes a big visual and functional upgrade, and we’d love to hear what you think about it (let your customer engineer know!). Expect lots more updates like this soon. We are listening, watching, and forever aiming to make Salto the most user-friendly, stress-free way to manage configurations in your business applications. 


Lior Neudorfer

VP Product

Lior is a tech-loving product guy, on a quest to simplify complex stuff for enterprise users. Formerly Guardicore’s VP Products, where he helped build a category-leading cyber security solution. Lior is also an avid gamer, responsible for organizing Salto’s infamous Board Game Nights.